This is me! Here I will share what goes on in my crazy life. Not only how my days go, but how I live through each and every day of my life.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

My Brother and I

I have an amazing brother named Zac who has always been there for me in every way. He's not only great at being a brother, but he's also been a close friend of mine. I realized today how much I appreciate him and how he has always supported me in everything I do. We've always been really close, and we seem to have the same sense of humour. I've really enjoyed the walks that we've been going on lately- we try to go on one each night. Zac is getting married in a few months, and I am so happy for him. His fiance has changed his life in so many ways, and they deeply love each other. At the same time, however, I'm sad that he'll be leaving. I don't know what I'll do without him around. It'll definitely take a while to get used to this big change. So, I'm going to try to enjoy every minute I get to spend with Zac. Every walk we go on is really special to me, and I have to treat it like it'll be our last walk. I'm so thankful though, and feel really blessed to have a brother like Zac. When I hear about how disfunctional some brother-sister relationships are, I'm so thrilled that mine is not like that. I love my brother!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure."

I've recently had an unexpected change take place in my life- one that has left me with many mixed emotions. I lost a dear friend of mine a few months ago. It's kind of a long story and I don't want to get into all of the details. Throughout my life I have been blessed with many amazing friends, and I've learned to appreciate them and treat them like rare treasures. A year or so ago, I met an amazing person that changed my life in so many ways. We were close, and talked almost everyday. It was almost healing just talking and spending time with them. We would always go on long walks and talk about some of the struggles we were going through at the time. I had been through a lot in the past, and just having someone there that understood made things seem less terrible. I loved them and knew that God had brought that person into my life for a reason.

We ran into some problems a few months ago, and I was scared of the friendship ending. I fought frantically to save it, and was willing to do anything I could to make things better. The thought of losing that person was more than I could handle. Despite my efforts, however, our friendship did come to an end. There is nothing I can do anymore, and this whole situation has left me feeling so overwhelmed with many different emotions. I believe that there is still hope for us and I pray daily for there to be reconciliation. It's been a long few months, and I'm heartbroken that something came between us. I trust God completely, but sometimes I'm scared leaving the situation in His hands. I know He'll take care of it, but I have this huge fear that my friend will forget about me. It's silly, I know, but I can't help myself from thinking those things sometimes. It would mean so much to me if I could have that friend back. I love and miss them more than words can describe. So, if you don't mind, could you remember to keep my friend and I in your prayers? I would appreciate it so much, and it means a lot to me. Thank you for all of your help and support. God can do the impossible (or what may seem impossible to us), and I'm confident that I'll be seeing my dear friend again.