This is me! Here I will share what goes on in my crazy life. Not only how my days go, but how I live through each and every day of my life.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time sure does fly by...

Hello everyone (aka Rebecca or any other random people that still read this blog)! I know what you're thinking... "Wow, is Autumn actually still alive and wanting to update her blog?" Well, it's true, I'm still breathing and I am doing quite well. I have wanted to update this thing for such a long time, but with school and all the other crazy things that have happened this past year, I haven't had much time. It's strange because so much has gone on, but I'm still not quite sure what to say. I won't go too much into detail about my life, but I'll give you a bit of an update anyway.
I have just finished my first year at university, and I can definitely say that it was an interesting experience. The first couple of months were rough for me, and I had a hard time making friends. Part of the problem was that I was commuting, and so I wasn't spending a lot of time at the university. I also was not really motivated to do anything actually. Before officially deciding to go to this particular university, I had been thinking about going to Bible College. It was just something that had been on my mind for quite some time, and it felt right to me. However, after talking to my parents and several other people, I felt like it might be best if I went to Laurier (although deep down I would have loved to go to Bible College). So, not only did I not want to be at Laurier, I was really lonely as well. However, after the first couple of months, things started to improve. I met some nice people, and was starting to enjoy some of my courses. Things continued to get better in second semester, and I made many new friends. But, even though things improved, something still didn't feel right. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I guess you can say that something in my spirit just didn't sit right. I thought about Bible College every day, and whenever I talk about it with other people, I just feel so excited, and feel like God wants me to be there. I still need to figure out when I'm supposed to be there- I mean, should I stop taking the program at Laurier and go to Bible College in the fall? Or should I finish the program at Laurier, and then attend Bible College? Anyway, that's where I'm at right now, and I need to spend a lot of time praying about that this summer, and hopefully I'll have it figured out by them. I'll fill you in more as time goes on, and hopefully I'll start updating my blog on a regular basis. I guess that's all I'll say for now, but I'll end this post with an encouraging poem. Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

Anxious Prayers
When we are deeply disturbed with a problem
And our mind is filled with doubt
And we struggle to find a solution
But there seems to be no way out,
We futilely keep on trying
To untangle our web of distress-
But our own little, puny efforts
Meet with very little success...
And finally exhausted and weary,
Discouraged and downcast and low,
With no foreseeable answer
And with no other place to go,
We kneel down in sheer desperation
And slowly and stumblingly pray
Then impatiently wait for an answer
Which we fully expect right away...
And then, when God does not answer,
In one, sudden instant we say,
"God does not seem to be listening,
So why should we bother to pray" ...
But God can't get through to "the anxious"
Who are much too impatient to wait-
You have to believe in God's promise
That he comes not too soon or too late,
For, whether God answers promptly
Or delays in answering your prayer,
You must have faith to believe Him
And to know in your heart He'll be there ...
So be not impatient or hasty,
Just trust in the Lord and believe,
For whatever you ask in faith and love
In abundance you are sure to receive.
- Helen Steiner Rice


Anonymous Rebecca said...

Hi Autumn!! :D Lol I love the brackets (aka Rebecca or any other random people that still read this blog) :) Yay, another update!! Haha, I guess since we try to talk every day I don't need these updates, but I always love reading your blog and you are such a great writter. You're so wise, too!Celebrate, the first year of Laurier is over, you made it :D And I'll be praying that God keeps directing you, but it so sounds like you may be headed to Bible college sometime. Prayer's definitely a good thing, and hopefully you can keep updating this for me too. You're the best best friend ever, and always my only dneirf. Thanks for posting the poem at the end too, I really needed to read it. LYLAS ALWAYS!!

9:45 AM

Blogger Judy Baskerville said...

Hey girl!

I wanted to say I enjoy your poetry (I'm finally catching up on a few blogs after starting back at work seven months ago), and hearing what's up with you.

You know what? Very few people start out in the programme/university they end up finishing. Jason actually went through a similar thing being at Laurier, and eventually switching to EBC. You should hear his story sometime. Not every place you are at a given time will be exactly where you want to be, but there's always something to learn from the experience and being a bit discontent is a good way to find out what's going on in your own heart. :)

You'll figure it out--keep listening to that Voice.

1:29 AM

Blogger Autumn said...

Hey Judy! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog :) I tried checking your blog out, but for some strange reason it takes to me a different site- or something. So, I haven't been able to comment on any of your posts. Hopefully soon it'll let me on. Take care :)

4:27 PM


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