This is me! Here I will share what goes on in my crazy life. Not only how my days go, but how I live through each and every day of my life.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Beauty in Sunsets

"Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven"- John Lubbock

Today I thought I would write about sunsets. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the beauty of sunsets. I have always said that if I ever was a painter (which believe me, I could never be lol), that's exactly what I would paint. I would seriously love to own a painting of a sunset, but unfortunately I still do not have one. But anyway, the reason why I used the quote above is because I can really relate to what he is saying. Whenever I look at sunsets, I feel as if I'm being filled with God's peace, and I can feel his presence so strongly. I remember when I went camping in P.E.I with my family a few years ago- there were always beautiful sunsets every night. I would go on walks by myself down by the ocean and stare in amazement lol. I was able to forget everything else that was on my mind, and really focus on God. I don't think I had ever seen anything so beautiful, and I can remember me wondering how people could see something as amazing as this and not believe in God. Many of us just don't take the time to look around and see some of God's amazing creations.

I think that is also why I enjoy camping so much. I always loved everything about it- the long walks by the beach, hikes, canoeing etc. I can remember getting up really early with my Dad and going canoeing. Everybody was still sleeping in the campground, so it was always very quiet and peaceful. The air smelt so fresh, and the scenery was always so fascinating lol. Whenever we went camping at Grundy Lake, Zac and I always used to get up every morning and go to the cliffs. We would bring the dog, some books, and our bathing suits (they were great cliffs to jump off of lol). It was one of my favourite places to be... everything about it was awesome lol. This post is making me miss camping now:( sad. I'm definitely going to be a camping person when I'm older. I'll have to make sure I marry someone who enjoys camping... well even if he doesn't I'll still drag him along with me LOL.

Anyway, there was really no purpose to the post- I just wanted to express my love for sunsets lol. But, I hope you enjoyed reading it and learning a little bit more about me. Remember to take a good look around you and see all the amazing things God has created- you'll be amazed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunsets are amazing!! Yeah, it is always great when we recognize the beauty of God's creation around us, the peace and calm it brings; I think that might have been part of God's plan. I also realized while reading your post that often times camping you got to enjoy the peace and fun with family. How often we take nature for granted, how often we probably take peaceful times with family for granted too:( But it is encouraging that as we are getting older and wiser (you're especially so wise!!)that we are not taking so much for granted and are really enjoying and thankful for the good times, people, and things. Lol sorry, this is getting long, but I've liked this post for awhile, and today I thought I'd comment. We've been through a lot recently, and it's encouraging to think back on the beauty and peace of sunsets:) Thank you!! (Beautiful sunset picture and quote too!)

1:15 PM


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